Monday, February 25, 2013

Jukebox Show Reviews

" The Pineapple Jukebox Dance Show is a unique dance production, so much so that you're guaranteed never to see the same show twice. How so? Nine lucky punters are given a special jukebox token which allows them to choose from a menu of 20 dance numbers. Their choices dictate the programme for the evening's show.

The menu offers a diverse collection of dance styles ranging from grunge and pop contemporary to chair jazz, go-go and the French Cancan. Aside from You Tube when do you ever get to see such a variety of dance performances? At times I felt like I could have been at the Moulin Rouge in Paris and by the end of the show I felt as if I'd attended a lesson in dance history, albeit a very entertaining one.

Some of the numbers were definitely more to my taste then others, but I guess that's the beauty of the show. I particularly enjoyed the 1920s Broadway Charleston 'Hot Honey Rag' and the pinup number. The Cloclo medley (French disco) was a favourite among the audience and performers alike.

It obviously requires talent and great organisation to have such a range of routines ready to go at the drop of a hat, or a coin as the case may be. Pineapple Productions show director Julie Anterrieu and producer Geraldine Clermont must be a little bit nuts to attempt such a show. The quick costume changes and turn around times between songs was a hard ask and the performers did really well.

Hosted by MC Phlossy Roxx, who didn't quite have the sparkle to match her outfit, the Pineapple Jukebox Dance Show is a novel concept. It is a show which delivers intrigue, variety, audience participation and some seriously hard work on the part of the dancers. As exciting as it was not knowing what was coming next, I left feeling a bit disappointed that no one had picked either of the cancans. However, for a mere $10 (and a flash of your ticket), I'm very tempted to go again tonight to see if I get lucky this time.
"  Lara Thomas, Concrete Playground

"I went to this show on Friday the 22nd of Feb and I thought it was incredible. It was exceptionally well produced, everything ran very smoothly it was obvious to me that the level of organisation was very high and to be respected as I don't often see shows of this nature run this well. So even before the dancers appeared on stage I was impressed!! Once the dances were chosen (9 out of a whopping 20 that Julie Anterrieu created, wow) and the girls got to perform them I was so taken with how polished, creative, artistic and beautiful they were, so much to be appreciated with the girls having no idea how many choreography's they may have to perform that night if any at all, for those I saw multiple times I was in awe of how they looked so in control and happy to be performing on stage.

This show inspired my creativity and has made me want to dance again, I loved it and respect the work ethic this team have put in to create such a fabulous show that you could watch again and again and never be bored of.

Well done to you all, you are amazing. Many more opportunities to come from your hard work and fantastic dance skills I'm sure!" Deryn, Hoop Instructor

"Congratulations for the dancers, the choregraphern the producer....... Very refreshing, talentuous, original show, with very good interaction with the public. The dancers are amazing. Congrats also to the photograph, very nice pictures" Nikko

"Thank you Pineapple Productions for the amazing basket of goodies in the raffle. The show was a blast! I dance so I will have to use the dance class vouchers etc." Rosalind

"This shows off an easy feel for the choreographic style, some pretty technique and an overt pleasure in performing, hallmarks which continue to be exhibited by all ten dancers throughout the medley of dance styles. Highlights include two truly genuinely authentic French styled numbers -- a 1960s go-go trio, Gogo-YeYe, to music by April March, and the disco dance Cloclo Medley, with 6 dancers performing to a mashup of four French pop songs by Claude Francois. Julie Anterrieu shines as a performer in both of these." Theatreview

"Beautiful ladies and beautiful performances! Excellent night!" Alex

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